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Adult Learning Outcomes Consultation

Community Learning and Development Managers Scotland – Adult Learning Subgroup have developed a draft set of Adult Learning Outcomes reflecting the wide range of policy drivers influencing current working practise. The expectation is that adult learning providers will find these useful in demonstrating the impact of their own work as well as developing a common language to underpin work around CLD Strategic Guidance and required partnership Action Plans.

You will find the outcomes in this document:Adult Learning outcomes-Sept 17

You will find the framework in this document: Adult Learning Outcomes Framework -2

You will find the consultation questions in this document: Consultation questions Oct -Dec 17

Please return your contribution by December 8th 2017 to Debra Lindsay at

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“LLS have a very professional approach to training & Learning, which I have shared with others internally and externally.”
Elaine Webser, Scottish Language Dictionaries

“It feels good to be belong to Learning link and I look forward to other events and to making use of your materials.”
Delegate, Annual Conference

“Our vision for Scotland is for a learning nation where Scotland is not only the best place in the world to grow up in but also the best place to learn.”
Learning Link Scotland